Monday, 3 November 2014

Week 46 October 27 to November 2 2014

Halloween has been the main focus for this week. It seems that the whole week was dedicated to some Halloween event.

Monday morning we were determined to move from our anchorage in Prickly Bay as we had been rocking and rolling for far too many nights and we were in desperate need of a decent night’s sleep.

The Hobbit House in Hartman Bay
Before moving anchorages we went to the shops to get the never ending fresh supplies and to buy a few Halloween accessories to wear to the Halloween party on Wednesday night. We had been told and actually found a party shop, full with Halloween costumes in Grand Anse.

 By 3.00pm our anchor was up and we headed further east to Mount Hartman Bay/Secret Harbour – this was only 3nmiles away but required us to be vigilant as there were quite a few reefs along the way.

We had set down our anchor by 4.00pm and were amazed that we had not moved sooner as the anchorage was 100% calmer than Prickly Bay. Since then we have spoken to quite a few yachties who have expressed bewilderment that people spend months and some even years anchored in Prickly Bay when there are so many other bays that are much better and more comfortable.

There is just a very short walk over the hill between Prickly Bay and Mount Hartman/Secret Harbour.

Tuesday we spent time of the boat – but later in the afternoon we went to the marina for a drink and Wi-Fi.

Wednesday, as the day progressed, there was a feeling of excitement as there were lots of dinghies going backwards and forwards from the various boats, dinghy docks and marinas as the children started to prepare for their ”trick ‘n treat” on the water.

It was lovely to see the enthusiasm and excitement on the children’s faces as they visited the boats that had said they wouldn’t mind the children visiting for trick ‘n treating. There were 5 - 6 dinghies, driven by an adult of course, packed with between 3 – 6 children in each.

Mel and I put on our pirate hats that we had bought for the Halloween party  and had fun, handing out the treats – yes I know, very original but I was lacking in inspiration and we didn’t want to spend too much on costumes.

Mel and Ivo at the Halloween Party
Wednesday night’s adult Halloween party was great fun! We danced for most of the evening - we even stayed up until 10.30pm!! WOW that is a late night for us!!! We have found this year being on the boat, we are ready for bed by 8.00/8.30pm! How are we going to manage when we get back to our “other” life?

Thursday we enjoyed ourselves on the boat for most of the day. Mel went over to Prickly Bay Marina in the afternoon, as there was a gathering of yachties who are planning on heading west, through the Panama Canal and onto the Pacific. They exchanged information, tips and suggestions.

Friday morning we caught the shopping bus from the Secret Harbour Marina and did some provisioning and in the late afternoon we went to the Hash House Harriers’ Halloween event in St George. It was tiring but such a lot of fun! The race started at 5.45pm as the sun was setting, thus creating a “special” type of atmosphere!!!

Mel and  I at the HH Halloween Run
During the introduction of the event, the event organiser said there were no hills but just a few steps. Well that was the first trick as most of St George is hilly – the town is set between two main hills!! I walked while Mel ran, up and down these two main hills at least four maybe even five times!!  The last part of the course went through Fort St George , down alley ways and tunnels – here some people, dressed in their Halloween costumes, caused quite a few of us to scream and want to run in the opposite direction. We all had a great Halloween!

The three little children
 I helped with their reading
Saturday morning I volunteered to help with the Mount Airy reading program. The reading program was started by Jean, a retired university lecturer and her husband, a retired Headmaster at one of the local schools, a number of years ago. She was asked to help one little boy with his reading. Well this one little boy turned into 30 plus children every Saturday morning during the school term. Jean runs it out of her garage and all of the furniture and books have been donated by yachties who pass through or spend time in Grenada.

Sandra, on the Zimbabwean registered boat Ingoma, advertises for volunteers on the cruisers net during the week so I decided to give it a go. It felt good interacting with the children as I was asked to help three little 6 year olds with their reading. I have missed that part of my job – the interacting with the children.

Sunday morning was the monthly boat jumble sale – anyone who wanted to get rid of any bits and pieces from their yachts, could set up a table to display their wares for sale. We could have had a table of goodies but Mel is still a bit apprehensive to get rid of anything as you never know when you may need that “bit”.

We are preparing to sail to Trinidad within the next few days so are busy watching the weather. It looks as if we will most probably leave Grenada this coming Thursday, sail overnight, arriving in Chaguaramas mid Friday morning.

 Happy Halloween!

Have a great week until next time, take care.       


Captain Mel and Admiral Caryn/xx


The HH event co-ordinator
A few of the characters we met along the race course
St George as the sun was setting